Jul 10, 2010

Lan Lan 2x3x3 Round

(Click to Enlarge)

The Lan Lan 2x3x3 round. As you would expect, it's a shape modification of a normal 2x3x3, which is also known as a Domino (in reference of the classic Rubik's Domino). 

This specific puzzle, as you can see by my video, turns very well right out of the box. No extra lube necessary. The internal mechanism is the same as a normal 2x3x3 so, if you have one, you're definitely going to like this one because, as turning goes, this is pretty much as good as it gets. It's also good with cutting corners, making it a safe bet for speedsolve.

The sticker pattern is a bit different from the normal 2x3x3, with yellow and black on opposite faces and green, red, blue and orange on the side. The sticker job is well done and I don't see them peel off very easily.

The Lan Lan 2x3x3 Round is currently available at Lightake.

(Click to Enlarge)

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