Oct 2, 2013

Glass Puzzle - Pudding

(Click to Enlarge)
Two years ago I reviewed my first Glass Puzzle by Beverly Enterprises, the Rice Crackers. This is a unique collection of 8 puzzles with food as the main theme and were designed by the great mind of Nob Yoshigahara who, as many of you might know, designed many popular Cast Puzzles.

My second Glass Puzzle is also one of the most striking in the collection, the Pudding. This puzzle is so well built that can make any mouth water. The design is flawless, and at a distance it could very well fool you for the real thing. Don't go trying to solve it with an empty stomach or you'll be craving pudding for a while.

The concept of the puzzle is very simple. You start by placing the base inside the bowl and place the pieces in multiple layers until you can finally fit the lid on the top. The bowl is real glass, not plastic, and has these elaborate details, like you would see on a bowl in a fancy restaurant. The pieces connect to each other sort of like LEGO, with protuberances and cavities. The puzzle consists of three layers, each with four different pieces that will get progressively smaller. Because of this fact, it's very easy to distinguish where each piece goes. However, it won't make the puzzle any easier.

(Click to Enlarge)
"Preparing" the pudding is very challenging, and even knowing that this is a difficulty level 8/10 puzzle, I wasn't expecting it to be this tough. I tried to solve it in the first couple of days when I first got it, and the closest I got was having all three layers neatly packed. The problem was always to place the top piece, the caramel, which refused to fit no matter which pieces I swapped in the process. I was getting quite frustrating until it hit me: Spoiler - not every cavity needs to fit in a correspondent protuberance. You can leave empty spaces in between - End of Spoiler. After realizing this small, yet important detail, the puzzle was all but solved. I'm not really sure, but I believe there's only one solution for this puzzle.

Solution: You can download the solution here.

Closing Comments:

The Glass Puzzle - Pudding will captivate the attention of the most distracting person and will deceive many, making them hungry for a pudding. As an assembly puzzle, while being very tough, it's not even the most difficult, so you can have an idea of how challenging these Glass Puzzles can be. It's also a collection that begs for all of them to be owned. It'll make any shelf or desk shine.

Availability: You can find the Glass Puzzle - Pudding, and all the other seven at PuzzleMaster.

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